Monday, March 1, 2010

Audio Media and Creating Sound Files

Last week our class learned about Visual Media as a way to help relay information to people in our area of work, whether it be teaching students or giving presentations to higher executives. However, this week we have learned the importance of audio media as well.

This week I learned how to use GarageBand on my MAC computer, an application I had never used. I had no idea what it was for nor did I know how to use it. However, it is an extremely useful tool, and it is easy enough that children could even use it. You can upload your own sounds or use the Magic GarageBand, which already has sounds on there that you can play with. I am not blessed with musical talents, therefore I played around on Magic GarageBand.

I made a jazz song and changed around a few of the instruments to make it sound the way I wanted it. I wanted to upload it for this post, but for some reason both the sites imeem and filefront would not let me upload it from Garage Band. However, this would be a great teaching tool for children, and it would be extremely useful for musicians or anyone in the music industry.

I think it would be useful for my major, Public Relations, because I could use it to add music to my presentations. I could also use it to teach children about musical instruments if I ever had the opportunity.

Here is a video tutorial on how to use GarageBand if you ever need help:

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