Monday, March 15, 2010

Social Networking

This week in our class we talked about social networking and about the positives and negatives of it. I have found that the upcoming generations and even our society today has become extremely dependent on social networking tools, whether they use them for business, entertainment or information.

There positives of social networking is the fact the they connect people and provide people with access to each other. However, the down side is people have begun to lose actual real life social skills.

I found this video on YouTube, which really explains how often and how dependent our society has become on social networking tools.

The use of these tools is extremely helpful because we can use them to access information immediately. However, it can become a problem to where we do not even interact with each other in person anymore.

In my major, Public Relations, social networking is a huge part of it and extremely useful. Social networking is what PR is all about. You network with people and organizations to see what they think about a product or you network with people to let them know about upcoming events. Social networking sites, such as Facebook have become critical in the role of PR, as well as many other tools. I personally am a fan of social networking because it allows you to connect with people you would not normally have been able to connect with.

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