Thursday, February 18, 2010

Even YouTube has Copyright Issues

After watching many videos people have put on YouTube, many of them have had copyright issues. Today in class we were shown a Disney copyright video that someone had made using different animated Disney movies. The video educated us on some main copyright rules and issues through the use of the Disney movie clips.

After looking around on YouTube, I found that even YouTube has had issues with copyright rules and with people uploading videos that they stole. YouTube recently deleted about 30,000 videos and many user accounts off their Web site as a result of this.
In this video from YouTube, a man explains how stealing copyrighted media from anyone, no matter who it is, is wrong.

In the video, he plays the good guy, a lawyer, and the devil's advocate, a thief. He also plays the angry people who made the original works that people have stolen. He is trying to convey everyone's thoughts on the matter of copyright through this video. He debates the ethics and rights we have as Americans concerning copyright. He shows how stealing from someone is against the law and strongly discourages it.

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