Thursday, February 18, 2010

Visual Literacy

Today our country is extremely obsessed with the way we look. We have to fit a certain image, and if not then we are not considered beautiful. Well, what if the image our social media of our country is portraying to us is fake?

Girls and women not only in our country, but all over the world have become obsessed with the way they look. Many more women are getting plastic surgery, and many young girls by the age of 16 want plastic surgery! Girls have started becoming obsessed with the way they look at such an early age, and this trend has begun to become very unhealthy.

Dove has begun a Beauty Campaign to show that everyone is beautiful. They are trying to redesign the way beauty is portrayed. In this video, it gives the statistics and low self-esteem of women and girls about themselves.

It is a very scary fact that girls ages 8-12 have such low self- esteem and want to change their bodies. This could be the problem behind eating disorders, depression and many other health issues.
Something needs to be changed in social media for the future betterment of our society.

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